Strong cheeses

Traditional cheeses with strong, intense and long lasting flavor.

Cheeses that delight many cheesemakers.

Strong cheeses There are 83 products.

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Showing 79 - 83 of 83 items
  • Vieux Edammer Noord Wester cheese Edammer cheese originated in Edam, a town near Volendam (North Holland). It is a typical Dutch cheese and can be recognized by its spherical shape. Edam cheeses are also known for their red color although it is also covered in orange / yellow. Its high maturation makes it a quite brittle cheese. It is a dry, buttery...

  • Comte AOP Maxim's Le Poligny matured 40 months Comte cheese is made in the French regions of Jura, Doubs and Ain. It is a cheese made from raw cow's milk, from pressed and cooked pasta. Its 40-month maturation gives it a strong aromatic and fruity flavor with a brittle paste. The milk with which it is made is from Montbéliarde and pie-rouge breed cows. La...

  • Terra cheese from the Airas Moniz dairy The Galician cheese factory Airas Moniz makes this soft cheese that is firmer or creamier depending on the time of year. It is a cheese that is not pressed and with continuous manual turning both in the airing phase and in the maturation. The singular color is due to the natural molds in the ripening cellar, in...

  • Savel cheese from the Airas Moniz dairy The Galician cheese factory Airas Moniz makes this blue cheese that stands out for its unmistakable and intense smell but surprising for its smoothness, elegance and smoothness. It matures in a cellar where the Penicilium roqueforti is found, which allows its internal development. The blue to gray-green streaks...

  • Cured goat cheese Sudao Espimirijo The Arteserena cheese factory makes its goat cheeses ranging from the geographical enclave in the surroundings of the Sierra Norte de Sevilla Natural Park, where the Floridian breed of cattle provide us with high-quality raw material, to the cattle ranches of the south of Extremadura with Retinta and Serrana which...

Showing 79 - 83 of 83 items