7 nutritional properties of cheese you had not imagined
National Day of cheese lovers: January 20
Eating cheese reduces the risk of premature death.
4 good reasons to eat cheese, even during a diet
In this section you will find a small selection of English farmhouse cheeses,
specially chosen to complete our international range of cheeses.
Cheddar Cheese, Farm fresh and artisanal, produced with raw cow's milk in Somerset farms. It's an aged cheese with strong flavor that is pleasantly surprising. It's aged for 11 to 18 months. Served in wedges of 250 grs. approximately.
Red Leicester Cheese The English cheese dairy Wyke, renowned for the production of Cheddar cheese, makes this specialty with the milk of cows from their own farms. Their Red Leicester cheese is made in the same way as their Cheddar, but they make it with whole milk and double blended to give it that more crumbly texture and distinctive creamy flavor. This...
Stilton blue cheese Blue cow cheese that is made in the heart of the Belvoir Valley by artisan cheesemakers. It is a creamy cheese with a relatively strong flavor, salty and a little spicy and with the classic blue cheese veining. It matures for 8 weeks. Only 6 cheese factories are certified for the production of this traditional English cheese.You can...
Eatlean natural protein cheese Cheese specially prepared for athletes or those who want to do regime. Made in the dairy farm itself, it is made by hand in the traditional way by expert cheese makers. It is made with skimmed milk and pasteurized cow. The result is a completely natural cheese, high in protein, low in fat and with a great flavor. Its lactose...
Eatlean smoked protein cheese Cheese specially prepared for athletes or those who want to do regime. Made in the dairy farm itself, it is made by hand in the traditional way by expert cheese makers. It is made with skimmed milk and pasteurized cow. It smoked in a completely natural way, on oak wood shavings for 15 hours to give that touch of extra flavor....
Grated Eatlean Protein Cheese Cheese specially prepared for athletes or those who want to do regime. Made in the dairy farm itself, it is made by hand in the traditional way by expert cheese makers. It is made with skimmed milk and pasteurized cow. The result is a completely natural cheese, high in protein, low in fat and with a great flavor. Its lactose...