Cheese is amazing food with great nutritional quality. Myths and beliefs which we need to start banishing from our minds exist about this delicious product. At the same time we need to get familiar with some of the most important properties of cheese which are also the most unknown.
As science and research advance, many of these myths and beliefs are being demolished. At we have made a compilation of the most important nutritional properties of cheese that you had probably not imagined.
- The first myth that comes to our mind is that cheese is fattening. Who hasn't heard this? Now that we are in "operation bikini" many people restrain themselves from consuming this delicious product. A recent study of the publication American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, carried out on a diet of 120.000 people and over a period of 16 years, yielded as a result that cheese, produced with either whole milk or low-fat milk, has no effect on increase or decrease in body weight. Additionally, the study highlights that even the consumption of whole milk cheese may be better for the diet than the one that's low in fat.

- Cheese raises cholesterol. Another classic you've heard a lot of times. A study of the Spanish Federation of Nutrition, Food and Dietetics has determined that cheese doesn't affect the increase of cholesterol levels. Furthermore, the study concludes that cheese helps lower high blood pressure and that even saturated fat from dairy products slightly reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases or diabetes. How many poor people have stopped consuming cheese for having high cholesterol levels?
- People with lactose intolerance can't eat cheese. This statement itself is half-true. On one hand, fresh or slightly mature cheeses contain high level of lactose, but as the cheese ages and reaches levels of maturity, it gradually loses its lactose content. Thus, mature cheeses are much better tolerated by those affected by lactose.

- But besides these myths, it has recently been found out that cheese has important anticaries qualities. The publication Academy of General Dentistry certified this result and established that cheese consumers increase their pH levels and therefore, reduce the possibility of dental caries.
- To round up the nutritional properties of cheese, it's known that this is food that contains protein and serves as an alternative to other, perhaps less healthy foods. Proteins are what our body converts into energy and subsequently, they're essential to keep us alive. Cheese is considered one of the top 10 healthy foods in this area among protein foods that are not meat.
- Cheese contains all kinds of vitamins and minerals necessary in our daily diet. For example, vitamin B12, vitamin A, phosphorus and zinc are found. Moreover, cheese is a great resource for the calcium dosage that our body requires to keep our bones strong and healthy.
- As if this were not enough, cheese scientifically makes you happier. This is because of Tyrosine contained in cheese. Tyrosine is an amido acid that has been proven to make humans happier.

So what are we waiting for instead of eating this delicious cheese that we have in the fridge?
Rediscover the best artisan cheeses and all the benefits at