Mature Gouda Cheese

New product

Gouda Fermier Boerenkaas

Aged Gouda cheese aged for a minimum of 24 months. It has a medium strong flavor and is produced in Holland with raw cow's milk and with the traditional methods of its production. Its name comes from "Boer", which means Farmer, and "Kaas", which means cheese. It is what in Spain we could define as farm cheese that is distinguished in different denominations such as Mahon or Idiazabal. Being a farm or farmer cheese gives it its final name of Fermier cheese, which is the legal and controlled name in cheeses made by hand with the milk of the herd raised by the farmer.

A few seconds after tasting this Gouda, its intense flavor explodes (slightly caramelized), and with a nutty aroma. Its paste is hard, with an aged texture, and orange in color. Its bark is waxed with a light yellowish coating.

You can buy this cheese in this link.

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  • Small wedge

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Data sheet

Mature period24 months
Flavour intensityMedium to strong
Curdling agentNatural
Kind of milkRaw

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Mature Gouda Cheese

Gouda cheese is Holland's most known cheese and it is also the most exported cheese in the world. Its name Gouda is due to a small city near Rotterdam, which formerly concentrated in the trade of cheeses from this country around the world. Gouda is produced in diverse regions of Holland.

Produced with whole milk from Friesian cows (with large capacity), it presents a yellow paste with a firm texture and holes of different sizes.

Its characteristic flavor is relatively strong and lingering on the palate.

Al Queso is the best place to buy mature Gouda cheese.


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Mature Gouda Cheese

Mature Gouda Cheese

Gouda Fermier Boerenkaas

Aged Gouda cheese aged for a minimum of 24 months. It has a medium strong flavor and is produced in Holland with raw cow's milk and with the traditional methods of its production. Its name comes from "Boer", which means Farmer, and "Kaas", which means cheese. It is what in Spain we could define as farm cheese that is distinguished in different denominations such as Mahon or Idiazabal. Being a farm or farmer cheese gives it its final name of Fermier cheese, which is the legal and controlled name in cheeses made by hand with the milk of the herd raised by the farmer.

A few seconds after tasting this Gouda, its intense flavor explodes (slightly caramelized), and with a nutty aroma. Its paste is hard, with an aged texture, and orange in color. Its bark is waxed with a light yellowish coating.

You can buy this cheese in this link.

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