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Ferments to make vegan cheese

370 Vegano tipo 1

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Ferments to make vegan cheese

Ferments specialy developed for the production of vegan cheeses. Its use is especially recommended when using milk from nuts such as almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, etc. It consists of two probiotic ferments the Rhamnosus and Helveticus. These probiotics provide many healthy qualities to the organism, among which are:

  • It improves the digestive system.
  •  Compete and eradicate harmful bacteria from the gastrointestinal tract estimulates the immune system and makes it stronger
  • It has an anti-mutagenic potential and helps the immune system in the destruction of tumor cells
  • It has the ability to lower blood pressure, since it secretes a specific tripeptide that resembles the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE)
  • It has an anti-inflammatory action
  • Helps improve mood and relieve stress
  • Produces bacteriocin, which is the key antimicrobial compound
  • It has demonstrated antitumor and anticancer properties
  • It enhances sleep quality
  • Improves the absorption of calcium in the bones
  • It is beneficial in the control and treatment of diarrhea

The ideal temperatures for its correct development are between 20ºC and 40ºC.

You can buy these ferments in bags of 3 grams.

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Ferments Rhamnosus and Helveticus for the production of vegan cheese with nuts milk.



Respuesta de Al Queso

Estimada Amerilis, por favor para estos detalles escríbanos a nuestro email clientes@alqueso.es para que la podamos contestar. Muchas gracias



    Saludos, le escribo desde Colombia. Estamos interesados en producir quesos Camembert y Roquefort VEGANOS. Nos gustaría saber costo, presentación, costo de transporte hasta colombia y sus respectivas fichas técnicas (porque no alcanzamos a conseguirlas en su sitio web) de: Penicillium Roqueforte, Penicillium Camemberti, Cultivo para Desarrollo de corteza blanca, Fermento para leche de frutos secos, Fermento para leche de cereales. También quisiéramos aprovechar la oportunidad de preguntarles: hemos leído que la mezcla de los probióticos L. Casei y L. Acidophilus generan una mayor calidad sensorial en cuanto a aroma, sabor y textura... nuestra pregunta es: alguno de sus fermentos veganos contiene dicha mezcla? Quedo atenta a su amable respuesta.


      Respuesta de Al Queso

      Estimada Victoria, si un sobre de 3 gramos es para quesos de 4/5 kg la cantidad para un queso de 250 grs es alrededor de 0,15 gramos. Un saludo.

      • 2 out of 2 people found this review useful.


      Buenas tardes, para hacer un queso de unos 250 gr de frutos secos, cuanta cántidad de fermento se usa? Un saludo

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        Ferments to make vegan cheese

        Ferments to make vegan cheese

        Ferments to make vegan cheese

        Ferments specialy developed for the production of vegan cheeses. Its use is especially recommended when using milk from nuts such as almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, etc. It consists of two probiotic ferments the Rhamnosus and Helveticus. These probiotics provide many healthy qualities to the organism, among which are:

        • It improves the digestive system.
        •  Compete and eradicate harmful bacteria from the gastrointestinal tract estimulates the immune system and makes it stronger
        • It has an anti-mutagenic potential and helps the immune system in the destruction of tumor cells
        • It has the ability to lower blood pressure, since it secretes a specific tripeptide that resembles the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE)
        • It has an anti-inflammatory action
        • Helps improve mood and relieve stress
        • Produces bacteriocin, which is the key antimicrobial compound
        • It has demonstrated antitumor and anticancer properties
        • It enhances sleep quality
        • Improves the absorption of calcium in the bones
        • It is beneficial in the control and treatment of diarrhea

        The ideal temperatures for its correct development are between 20ºC and 40ºC.

        You can buy these ferments in bags of 3 grams.


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