Sheep cured cheese with liquor


New product

Cured artisan cheese made from milk of Grazalemeña sheep with Arrayán liquor. The mixture of cured sheep's milk cheese joined with the potential of Arrayán liquor makes this product very unique and grants it softness as well as an intense flavor.

It's served in wedges of approximately 450 - 500 grams.

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Data sheet

Weight450 - 500 grs. aprox
Flavour intensityMedium to strong
Geographical areaAndalucía
Curdling agentNatural
Kind of milkPasteurized

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Cured artisan sheep cheese with Arrayán liquor

Artisan cheese factory El Bosqueño produces this specialty of cured cheese made with Grazalema merino sheep's milk whose flavor is then endowed with Arrayan liquor while preserving the softness of sheep cheese. An artisan cheese awarded with gold medal awards at the recent World Cheese Awards.

It is apressed paste cheese with a hard yellow crust on the outside and pale yellowish color inside with light hints of liquor. Its packaging in wedges with its own liquor makes this format ideal for proper consumption as well as to appreciate all the qualities of this preparation.

The sheep of Merina Grazalemeña race

The sheep of Merina Grazalemeña is widely appreciated for the quality of its milk. The natural surroundings of the Sierra de Grazalema, in which sheep graze freely make them suitable for production of high-quality milk. It is a milk with high protein and significant fat content. The milking season runs from late January to June.

The Arrayán liquor

Arrayán is a Mediterranean plant whose name of Arabic origins Ar-Rayhan means the "aromatic". The plant is used in liquor production for this property. It's also a plant with great medicinal properties ranging from balsamic effects to even antibiotics.

Al Queso, the best way to buy artisanal cheeses.


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Sheep cured cheese with liquor

Sheep cured cheese with liquor

Cured artisan cheese made from milk of Grazalemeña sheep with Arrayán liquor. The mixture of cured sheep's milk cheese joined with the potential of Arrayán liquor makes this product very unique and grants it softness as well as an intense flavor.

It's served in wedges of approximately 450 - 500 grams.