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Old grazalemeña sheep cheese


New product

Exclusive sheep's cheese grazalemena "emborrado" is cured in olive oil and wheat bran. A cheese recently awarded at the World Cheese Awards. Its longstanding version makes this rather unique cheese.

Served in wedges of about 200 grs. approximately.

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Data sheet

Mature periodMás de 18 meses
Flavour intensityStrong
Geographical areaAndalucía
Curdling agentNatural
Kind of milkRaw

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Old grazalemeña sheep cheese

The cheese factory El Bosqueno, is located in the northeast of the province of Cadiz, within the Sierra de Grazalema Natural Park. An area with cheese-making tradition carried out by the shepherds of the area, with the indigenous cattle of the place being the Payoya goat and the Grazalemeña Merino sheep. The Bosqueno retrieves the traditional recipes to produce cheese with levels of excellence and delight from their customers. The Bosqueno, thanks to the artisan product made, has won numerous awards both nationally and internationally, highlighting with 5 awards at the recent World Cheese Awards.

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Old grazalemeña sheep cheese

Old grazalemeña sheep cheese

Exclusive sheep's cheese grazalemena "emborrado" is cured in olive oil and wheat bran. A cheese recently awarded at the World Cheese Awards. Its longstanding version makes this rather unique cheese.

Served in wedges of about 200 grs. approximately.


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