Aged artisanal sheep cheese

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Aged artisanal sheep cheese from the Merino sheep of Grazalemena. A cheese with deep flavor and smooth texture produced by The Bosqueño Cheese in the land of Cadiz. Cheese awarded a silver medal in the prestigious World Cheese Awards.

It is served in wedges of aproximately 220 grams or un quarters of 450 grams.

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Data sheet

Flavour intensityMedium to strong
Geographical areaAndalucía
Curdling agentNatural
Kind of milkPasteurized

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Artisanal sheep cheese from Grazalemena

The artisanal sheep cheese is produced by the award winning Queseria El Bosqueño and takes advantage of using milk from the Merino sheep of Grazamela. The mountains of Grazalema covers 9 municipalities in the province of Cadiz and 5 in the province of Málaga. In El Bosque, an area of Cadiz, is located Queseria El Bosqueño which produces cheeses from sheep as well as from Payoya goat, or which both are of exceptional quality.

The curing of this cheese gives it a distinctive flavor that lingers on the palate. Its delicious aroma presents both an interior yellowish cut and highlights the smoothness of its texture with its potent flavor.

This aged artisan cheese has recently been awarded the silver medal at the World Cheese Awards. A contest that involved thousands of cheeses from around the world and in which grazalemeña sheep cheeses already have a permanent significant recognition.

Buy this amazing cheese on Al Queso, your online shop of artisan cheeses.


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Aged artisanal sheep cheese

Aged artisanal sheep cheese

Aged artisanal sheep cheese from the Merino sheep of Grazalemena. A cheese with deep flavor and smooth texture produced by The Bosqueño Cheese in the land of Cadiz. Cheese awarded a silver medal in the prestigious World Cheese Awards.

It is served in wedges of aproximately 220 grams or un quarters of 450 grams.


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